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| ![]() 1996 Spring Special MusicalSailor Moon SuperSDream Soldiers, Love, Eternally... Saturn's Revival Story (Revision)
Yume Senshi - Ai - Eien ni... Saturn Fukkatsu Hen! (Kaiteiban)
Double Moonlight Romance In reality though both Chibi Usa jas gotten lost in the forest. Mamoru finds her though and asks her about Usagi who apparently is also lost. Chibi Usa says she doesn't know. Usagi then enters stage right with the bag of food and dramatically goes to eat her own lunch. Mamoru and Chibi Usa confront her and tell her not to eat her lunch last but first.
Everyone asks Usagi for their lunches and much to Usagi's surprise the lunches are in the bag!
Tigerseye, Fisheye and Hawkeye then appear and tell them that they are from a circus and that they're holding auditions for anyone that wants to join. All the girls get very Amazon Kara Circus Dan ga Yatte Kita - The Circus Group that Came From the Amazon Later that day, the Amazon Trio relax in their bar cafe and talk about their mission. Fisheye likes Mamoru while Tigerseye likes Amy. Fisheye then begins to wonder why they're after people with dreams but have never had a dream of their own. The other two begin to sing and wonder about this as well.
Dead Moon no Kuroi Yume - The Dead Moon's Black Dream Zirconia then infuses a minion of the Dead Moon with his dark powers, creating an evil woman who can go into any dreams she wishes. She gets to work immediately by going into Chibi Usa's dream and making it a bad one. Monsters pop up in her dream and try to drag her bed off stage. Luckily Sailor Pluto, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus appear and begin to fight the villains.
As they stand victorious, Tuxedo Mask enters and thanks them. They then all speculate as to why they've all met in Chibi Usa's dreams and then realise that that mysterious woman has the same aura as Sailor Saturn and that the Dead Moon may be using her for their own purposes! Tuxedo Mask thanks them for saving his daughter but allows them to stay back until he needs them.
Mop, Hop, Step Jump
During the song, both Usagi and "Miss Dream" sit on swings. However as the song finishes, "Miss Dream" gets off hers but Usagi's is still up in the air leaving her stranded.
While alone on the swing, Usagi sees Fisheye who is talking and flirting with Mamoru. Fisheye tells him that he likes him but Mamoru says that he's already got a girlfriend and that in the future they'll get married. Fisheye continues to flirt causing Usagi to yell out for him to stop. Usagi says that it's alright for a man to like another man but that Mamoru is off limits. Fisheye asks Mamoru what he likes about Usagi and he says that maybe it's because she has so many dreams. As they begin to talk about dreams, That night in the forest, Tigerseye has asked Ami out on a date but she seems to busy in studying to listen to his complements. He asks her why she's reading and Ami tells him that her dream is to be a doctor. Tigerseye then tells her that he'd like to see that dream and throws away his cloak to reveal his true form. Ami is then strapped down to the dream platform. Rei, Makoto and Minako who had been spying on Ami's date come forth and try to transform but they're captured by the Dead Moon. Tigerseye, Fisheye and Hawkeye look at Ami's dream but find that it isn't the one they're after.
Ii Ko Ha Yameta - The End of the Good Child "Miss Dream" then zaps Minako, Rei and Makoto and makes them completely evil as well.
Triple Dreams Usagi and Mamoru are singing about their love (Moonlight Romance), Sailor Neptune, Uranus and Pluto are wondering about their destiny and the Dead Moon about their world domination. During the song, Pegasus appears but is zapped by "Miss Dream". Chibi Usa cries out as Pegasus flies towards the viewer.
Usagi Circus Showtime Rei and Makoto do a slice and dice magic trick, Ami balances on a ball with Fisheye, Usagi and Chibi Usa ride Unicycles and Tigerseye does some knife throwing and gymnastics! After the performance, Tigerseye addresses the audience and tells them that as they're watching, Lemures are seeping into their minds and changing their dreams into nightmares and that soon they will all be his friends.
After the performance as Usagi is cleaning up, Ami, Makoto, Rei and Minako walk by and tease her. They then tell her that the Sailor Soldiers are breaking up and that they Mamoru shows up and asks all the girls who remember who they were but it's no use. Usagi pleads with the to remember. Omoidashite Anata Wo - Remember Yourself Eventually all the girls remember their former selves and return to normal. "Miss Dream" then enters and said that due to the brightness of the moonlight she heard the song.
Ami, Rei, Makoto and Minako then all start to blame "Miss Dream" for what happened. Usagi tells them to stop as she has promised to protect her. Sailor Uranus, Neptune Chibi Usa runs up and begs everyone to leave Hotaru alone as she's her best friend. Chibi Usa then does Twinkle Yell to summon Pegasus and together with Mamoru, she and Pegasus dive into Miss Dream's dream. Zirconia and the Dead Moon then appear and tell them that Pegasus is now theirs as there's no way he would survive inside Miss Dream's dream. Everyone transforms into their Sailor Soldier forms and begin to fight. Zirconia and the Amazon Trio then transport themselves into Miss Dream's dream.
The Sailor Soldiers then hold hands and use Sailor Teleport to also enter the dream. Meanwhile, in the dream, Chibi Usa is hiding from Zirconia and the others as they laugh at Pegasus who has been caught. Eventually they find her though and are about to attack her when all the Sailor Soldiers minus Sailor Moon arrive and introduce themselves. Tuxedo Mask then arrives and begins to fight Tigerseye. Tuxedo Royal
Tuxedo Mask fires a Tuxedo Smoking Bomber attack at the prison Pegasus is in, freeing him. Zirconia begins talking about how she wishes the world to be as dark as this Zirconia then sits down as her true form, that of Queen Nehelenia, appears in silhouette in the background. Nehelenia says that she's the princess of the moon but Super Sailor Chibi Moon says that Sailor Moon is the true princess. "Miss Dream" then zaps everyone. Tuxedo Mask removes his mask and slowly walks up to Hotaru, offering to remove her sadness. He wraps her in his cape, promising to protect his dream (Usagi). Moments later he moves away from her and says that she is now returned to normal because he absorbed all her power. He then collapses into Usagi's arms.
The Amazon Trio then confront Zirconia about why they don't have dreams and it's revealed that they are but animals. They then decide to rebel against Zirconia causing her to summon the Maximal Lemre which kills all three of them.
Super Sailor Moon cries for them as they only wanted dreams but before she can do anything else, Zirconia steps forward and tells them that they will all be judged by To a Brand New World - Sailor Saturn's Theme Sailor Saturn revives Tuxedo Mask and he embraces Super Sailor Moon. All the Sailor Soldiers then begin the final battle together as Queen Nehelenia of the Dark Moon finally reveals herself!
During the fighting Nehelenia manages to curse Sailor Moon which kills her. All the Sailor Soldiers cry and even try summoning their planets' powers to revive her but La Moon Eternal Sailor Moon summons her strength and attacks Nehelenia with Moonlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss which kills her.
Over the Moon All the Sailor Soldiers then sing the Sailor Moon Musical classic song: La Soldier Followed by the:
After the Curtain Call, every single performer in the music comes on stage for a massive rendition of: La Moon The audience applauds and everyone bows and the curtain falls.
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