Episode 196
Sailor Stars
Countdown to the Destruction of the Galaxy! The Final Battle of the Sailor Soldiers
After the death of their princess Sailor Star Fighter, Sailor Star Healer and Sailor Star Maker decide to go avenge her death. Sailor Neptune yells out that if they rush into battle right now all they'll do is die. The three don't listen however and depart.
All across Tokyo black lightning strikes the ground as a creepy red auroro fills the sky. The city is in panic. Suddenly Sailor Galaxia appears on all the televisions and announces that she will wipe humanities existence from the galaxy.
Unknown to Eternal Sailor Moon a blast of black lightning fires from the sky directly at her. Uranus, Mars and the others scream out her name and leap to cover her. Luckily Sailor Saturn arrives with Pluto and shields them all from the lightning with Silent Wall.
Everyone is happy to see Pluto and Saturn and they all return to Sailor Mars' temple to discuss the situation.
Once there Hotaru tells them that this enemy force is the strongest they have faced by far. All across the city people's Star Seeds are being removed and the buildings begin to burn.
Amara and Michelle leave to fight Galaxia. Michelle asks Amara is she's okay not saying goodbye to Serena. Amara replies that she will see her again and that she's okay as long as she's with her. They place their arms around each other and walk down the steps from the temple.
Sailor Star Fighter, Star Healer and Star Maker meanwhile stand outside Galaxy TV. Galaxia suddenly opens all the doors with her power. As soon as they enter, black Galaxy TV cables appear out of the ground and teleports them directly to Galaxia. Sailor Star Healer attacks with Star Sensitive Inferno but it doesn't damage Galaxia at all. Galaxia retaliates by blasting them all with a huge energy blast.
Outside in the streets of Tokyo Trista and Hotaru have met up with Amara and Michelle and together they plan to defeat Galaxia. They head to the studio and see the Sailor Starlights fighting for their lives with Galaxia.
Back at Raye's temple the girls realise Trista and Hotaru are gone. They all reflect on everything they've done and been through in their city and transform for the final time into Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Venus and Super Sailor Jupiter. They say their farewells to Artemis and Luna who both tell them to return safely.
They walk towards the television station though as they get close they se a bird fly into a force field and get fried. They realise the entire area is protected by a force field. Nearby TV monitors activate and they see the Starlights in trouble. Sailor Moon begins to dispare.
Luckily Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon arrives, floating down from the sky. She surrounds them all in her pink energy and teleports them all to Galaxia's chamber.
Eternal Sailor Moon demands Sailor Galaxia stop what she's doing and leave their planet. Galaxia blasts them all off their feet. The Starlights tell them that they won't thank them for interfering. Sailor Jupiter smiles and tells them that they came to protect their planet.
Sailor Galaxia then stands up and releases a volley of golden energy blasts from her bracelet. Suddenly Sailors Mars leaps in fornt of Sailor Moon while Venus, Mercury and Jupiter protect the Starlights. All four are hit and their Star Seeds exposed. Sailor Galaxia summons the crystals to her and laughs. The bodies of Mars, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter falls to the floor. Venus, Mercury and Jupiter tell the Starlights that they had to protect them as the Starlights as well as Sailor Moon are important to them. Sailor Moon hold Mars in her arms. Mars tells her that she is too soft and that she needs to be strong and she will be okay as she has Darien.
All four Sailor Soldiers begin to glow and suddenly disappear in burst of golden energy.
Eternal Sailor Moon is in shock but quickly becomes angry and demand Galaxia give them back. Galaxia calmly blasts Sailor Moon off her feet and back to where the Starlights are.
Outside Trista, Hotaru, Amara and Michelle sense the death of the Inners.
Back inside Sailor Galaxia decides to show Sailor Moon all of the true Star Seeds she has collected. As she adds the Inners' Star Seeds to her collection, Sailor Moon spots a bright golden Star Seed and recognises it as being Darien's.
She whispers his name. Sailor Star Fighter realises that Darien is Serena's boyfriend and is shocked.
Sailor Moon stars at the crystal in shock and understanding that her true love is dead.
Interesting Facts

I have no idea why Sailor Moon and the others didn't just use Sailor Teleport to get to Galaxia and had to wait for Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon. Plot hole? Or maybe they realised that Galaxia's power was too strong for their teleportation.
Those black cables that teleported the Sailor Starlights are obviously the same ones that engulf the previous victims who had their Star Seeds exposed suggesting that it was the cables that transformed the victims into Phages and not the act of having their Star Seeds removed. This would explain why in this episode there were civilian victims on the streets of Tokyo with their Star Seeds exposed who did not transform into Phages.
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