Sailor Stars: Episode 200
Serena's (Usagi's) Love! The Moonlight Lights up the Galaxy
Anime Episode Original Airdate: 8th February, 1997 Sailor Chibi Chibi floast above the ground, sending waves of energy towards the weakened Sailor Moon. The Silver Crystal appears above Sailor Moon's body and slowly returns to her body.

Sailor Moon holds it above her body and feels it's warm light. She then transforms into her Moon Princess form.
The voice tells her to fight Sailor Galaxia and seal Chaos with the Sword of Sealing. The Star Seed then transforms into the sword.
Sailor Galaxia wakes Sailor Moon from this vision and attacks her.
Galaxia then powers up into a black form and grows demonic wings.
Sailor Moon and the sword fall. Sailor Moon refuses to pick up the sword as she thinks there must be another way other than violence. The sword / Star Seed / Chibi Chibi pleads with Sailor Moon to pick up the sword and fight and tells her that Galaxia has now been completely consumed ny Chaos. Sailor Moon falls faster and faster towards the ground.

Galaxia flies up and attacks Sailor Moon viciously with her sword. Chibi Chibi continues to plead with Sailor Moon but Sailor Moon doesn't fight back. Unfortunately Sailor Moon, on pure instinct stabs Galaxia right in her right wing. Sailor Moon is shocked she did this. Galaxia though is furious and shatters her sword which reverts back to the form of Chibi Chibi who disintegrates. Sailor Moon apologises to Chibi Chibi.
Galaxia laughs at how the Light of Hope is finally destroyed and she is free. Sailor Moon tells her though that she sees the small ribbon of light within her. Sailor Moon summons the Silver Crystal which sits on her chest. Her pink ribbons then begin to twirl around her body and then reveal, Sailor Moon's pure, innocent naked winged form.

Sailor Galaxia sends a blast of dark energy at Sailor Moon.
Sailor Moon's light shines on Galaxia's soul. The beautiful woman with golden hair begins to turn around.
Sailor Moon tells Galaxia that she loves this planet that has allowed her to meet so many amazing people. She then tells Galaxia that she must love this planet too. The Sailor Starlights look up at the battle.
The woman turns and reaches out her hand towards the light.
Sailor Moon flies towards Sailor Galaxia. Galaxia raises her sword but to her surprise it cracks and shatters as her true self tells her that she does love this planet. Suddenly all the Star Seeds she had stolen appear around them and begin to glow brightly.

Galaxia thanks Sailor Moon but wonders where Chaos has escaped to. Sailor Moon says that he's probably gone to where he belongs; in the hearts of all living things. Galaxia begins to worry and says that that means he will return. Sailor Moon smiles and tells her not to worry because every heart also has the Light of Hope.
Galaxia smiles and tells Sailor Moon that she really is strong. She then tells her that she'll never be able to make up for all of the evil she's done. Sailor Moon tells her that it's not too late, even now and that together they can start everything over.
Galaxia thanks her again and then says that for now she will guide all of the Star Seeds back to where they belong so they don't get lost. In a burst of light she flies into space, followed by all the Star Seeds.

Suddenly Raye's voice tells her she's not alone and one by one Sailor Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune appear floating around her, all of them reborn. One by one they tell her what a great job she did and how happy proud they all are.
Darien's voice then whispers Serena's name. Sailor Moon turns around as Darien, holding Chibi Chibi in his arms appears. Darien tells her this little girl guided him to her. Chibi Chibi then says thank you and flies off into space to be with Galaxia.
Serena hugs Darien.
Down below Sailor Star Fighter, Star Healer and Star Maker all look up at the Sailor Soldiers of this solar system. Sailor Star Fighter whispers a thank you to everyone. Behind them Princess Kakyu appears. Star Fight, Star Maker and Star Healer all begin to cry tears of joy.
Soon after, as the sun sets Serena, Darien, Raye, Mina, Artemis, Luna, Amy and Lita stand atop the school roof to say farewell to Princess Kakyu, Seiya, Yaten and Taiki who tell them that they need to return to their planet as people are waiting.
Luna wishes them luck to which Yaten winks and says thank you. Luna blushes and Artemis screams in shock at Luna for flirting with someone else.
Seiya tells Serena he'll never forget her to which Serena replies that they'll always be friends. Yaten and Taiki laugh while Raye and the other girls tease Serena for not understanding what Seiya meant.

Sitting in Amara's car, overlooking the ocean, Hotaru sees the four shooting stars. Trista asks her if she made a wish and asks her what she wished for. Hotaru tells her it's a secret and asks her what her wish was but Trista tells her hers is a secret too. Michelle says that the Starlights are returning home. Amara says that the Sailor Starlights are no longer shooting stars and that they will now shine brightly in the sky as their own stars.
Hotaru asks them what they wished for. Michelle says that they didn't wish for anything because right now is their happiest moment. Amara agrees.
Elsewhere Serena and Darien stand together on a lookout. Serena asks Darien how much he loves her. He thinks and then replies that being around he makes him feel so alive.
Under a full moon the two kiss.
Serena's voice over tells the audience that she's 16 years old, impulsive, a crybaby but also the Sailor Soldier of love and justice, Sailor Moon.

Sailor Stars Episode Facts

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