While the first one I went to got a bit boring after a while, this one seemed to have a much higher energy among the cosplayers, the shopkeepers and the visitors in general. I think the first gathering we went to, we were the first non-Japanese people to attend, but now this being the second time for me (and the third for Jay and Yosenex) all of the Moonies (a lot of familiar faces from the previous one) appeared to have gotten over the shock and started to welcome us with open arms, often sharing a joke and some even brave enough to attempt an English conversation with me (that was great!).
Unlike the last one I went to which was a general Sailor Moon theme, this one seemed to focus (see the title) entirely on Sailor Mercury who seems to be the most popular character in Japan, hence all the Sailor Mercury centric episodes in the anime and live action show. Anyone dressed up as Mercury got free entry. I didn't unfortunately so I had to fork out the 400 yen entry fee (rather cheap!). All up I saw about 5 -7 Sailor Mercuries wondering the room with one or two schoolgirl Ami cosplayers. Almost all the other Sailors were represented with the exception of Pluto and a missing Starlight.
Something that seems to be a tradition with these gatherings is a free Japanese, Sailor styled food item. Last time it was cookies, this time we got an Ami style doraeyaki (spl?). I love them personally, but didn't want to risk eating this one, so mine kind of ended up being taken home and placed in the bin under the sink. I guess I'm just too paranoid.
I loved the concept of this though. Giving custom made food like this as a complementry gift just gives the event that little bit extra of human warmth. You could tell that everyone here loved the show.
The merchandise on sale was great and cheap. No DVDs or CDs (have most of them anyway), but lots of little cool things like Sailor Moon themed trinkets for your mobile phone or bag (got myself a Venus and an Artemis and Luna!) as well as stickers, cards, rare toys and lots of fan art mangas and fan fics.
I had my eye on a small Diana plush but waited too long and it was grabbed by Sailor Saturn. Also saw some Sailor Moon Musicals (I refuse to call it Sera Myu as NOONE actually calls it that) on VHS but I'm holding out for DVDs so I can do screencaps and guides for Moonkitty.NET.
Something that definitly made a lot of Moonies' day was Yosenex's friend who dressed up in drag as Sailor Mercury. He was a hit with the Tokyoites at Akihabara Station where he met us in costume and even more so once we arrived at the gathering. He even brought along a bubble gun, which we didn't realise until after we fired it, made unpopable bubbles. Oops. Rather funny watching Venus pick bubbles out of Hotaru's hair. Hehe... After that we moved the Mercuries into the hall for a bubble shoot.
The climax of the four hour event was a huge group photo of all the cosplayers which took a while to organise but seemed like a lot of fun and definitly raised the energy in the room with everyone taking photos on their phones and cameras (quite a few hardcore cameras I might add).
I really had a good time this time around, as did almost everyone there from what I could tell. I'll definitly be checking out the next one.
July 2012 Update: I never checked out the next one. lol
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