Vincent Corazza
Before we start I want to thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to do this interview. It's really appreciated and really exciting!
So it's been almost 10 years now since you finished work on the Sailor Moon anime with the S and SuperS seasons.
Are you surprised that even after all this time there's still such a huge fanbase for the show, let alone it's voice actors such as yourself?
Absolutely. I'm always amazed at the amount of success that Sailor Moon has had over the years.
When you first started on the show you played the villain Alan but eventually you took over one of the biggest roles as Tuxedo Mask for the later episodes of that season as well as the three movies and finally every episode in Sailor Moon S and SuperS. Did you ever expect you'd be getting this much work from Sailor Moon when you first came on?
I just thought that it was great to get the Alan role and I had a blast recording that, and then I was very happy when they asked me to play Tuxedo Mask, and I never thought we would end up doing so many episodes and movies.
During the production of the original show's run to the three movies and S and SuperS did the recording environment differ much from company to company? I've heard the recording of S and SuperS was very full on in terms of voice recording for example with 14 or so episodes being recorded in 3 weeks.
Yeah I remember there were times where we would record multiple episodes in one day, and we blasted through a stack of episodes in a very short period of time, but it was so long ago I can't really remember what specific parts. I think you are correct that it was the S and SuperS parts where we really powered through.
Did you ever get to meet any of the other voice actors during your time on Sailor Moon? What were they like?
All the time. The recording sessions were always by ourselves, but most of us knew each other very well in the industry, in fact some of us even went to school together, and some of us had the same agents, so there were many times that we got to see each other. Plus, we would bump into each other in between recordings at the actual studio. The entire cast was awesome!!!
I'm assuming you don't really talk like Tuxedo Mask in your day to day life. What was your inspiration for how you portrayed the character?
Well, first of all I just tried to create what I thought was the best sound for a younger kid of Darrien's age and then as Tuxedo Mask I tried to keep him in that age range but given him a more heroic and confident sound.
The character's famous for his hilariously corny dialogue. Did you ever have a "What the heck am I saying?" moment?
All the time!!! There were so many times where we would crack up during recordings, but I think that was part of the charm of the show, and why many people loved the show.
Sailor Moon seems to have inspired a lot of people to pick up the mic and pursue voice acting. What advice would you give someone who's interested in such a career?
Pay attention to what is out there right now. What are the current trends on TV, in movies, video games, animation, commercials, etc. What voices really stand out and why. Lastly, practice. Get a mic and become familiar with the sound of your own voice and play around with creating different characters.
As well as voice acting you've had a very healthy career as an actor in front of the camera with roles in dozens of films and tv shows such as 24, Without a Trace, Stargate SG1, CSI, The City and Bee Movie just to name a few. What was the most memorable experience for you as an actor?
It is really hard to pick just one. There are so many that I've been proud to be a part of.
What can fans catch you in next?
I have an independent feature comedy due to come out next year called Rock and Roll the Movie. Also, currently I'm performing in the US National Tour of Mamma Mia! the Musical with my wife. We are traveling around the US and Canada.
Thank you again so much for your time. Do you have any last words for your fans?
I would just like to express my thanks for their support of the show for all these years, and also for their support of my career. I've had some great fan letters from really nice people, and it's always so great to hear from them. It just blows me away.
Oh, I have to ask, who's your favourite Sailor Moon character?
I'd have to say..........TUXEDO MASK. LOL
Thanks again!
Fans can find out more about Vincent Corazza on his official site.
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