1) Thanks so much for taking the time to do this interview.
It's a privilege to be interviewed. Thank you for considering me to be interviewed at all.
2) It's my pleasure, believe me. You've got so many great Sailor Moon sites, how could I not interview you? Speaking of which, how about you tell our readers about your sites.
I don't know about "great" haha. Current active sites related to Sailormoon that I run include:
- Neo Nobility - which is the first Sailormoon site I created that focuses on the future/royalty aspect of the series.
- Deep Submerge (Update: Now called TenSenshi) - a directory that strives to bring together and lists active/well thought out Sailormoon sites. Our motto is "Sailormoon Goodness."
- Love Liberty Disco - a small shrine dedicated to the prototype senshi Sailorvenus, as well as the TAFL listed fanlisting for Sailorvenus.
- Double Harvest (Update: Now offline) - is a shrine for my favourite villains of Sailormoon: Sailorchi and Sailorphi. It's also the TAFL listed fanlisting for Chi and Phi.
3) How did you get started in web design?
I began making websites in the 5th grade. After going through cancer treatment, I really couldn't go outside due to a low immune system, so it became a hobby to mess around on the web, which was a totally clean and sanitary way to have fun without having to worry about getting sick. My brother was and still is a great inspiration for me, because he is a professional web designer, so he was also a factor in getting interested in the whole web, design, and making website concept.
4) What advice would you give to people making their own site?
There is so much advice to give and so much that you have to learn yourself. A personal motto I live by is that I design for a purpose, I design for God. But if you're not into religion haha a few words I always try to live by on the web is originality, inspiration, dignity, respect, and enjoy it.
5) Any specific advice for Sailor Moon webmasters?
The Sailormoon community is definitely a unique thing on the web. You don't see this type of community with any other anime/manga series. Enjoy it and don't get caught up in it. There is an underlying competitiveness these days on who can make the "best," the "largest," and/or who can stand out from the rest of the pack. Keep it simple, clean, and unique. Being the biggest or the largest doesn't always mean "best."
6) What was your first experience with Sailor Moon?
My first experience with Sailormoon was when the manga was first printed by KC back in 1992. I found a copy of the new KC manga for sale at Kinokuniya Bookstore while browsing. The artwork really caught my eye.
7) What was your first online experience with Sailor Moon?
I really don't remember when exactly I ran into Sailormoon on the web, but it was about the time I decided to open Neo Nobility. There really wasn't a large variety of Sailormoon sites on the web back then.
8) Do you have any funny Sailor Moon related things that have happened to you?
Not that I know of.
9) How has Sailor Moon affected your life?
Sailormoon the series really hasn't affected my life. I actually don't like talking or chatting with other people/fans about Sailormoon in general. Web-wise it's given me a lot of experience on designing and owning sites.
10) Which Sailor Scout is your favourite and why?
My favorites would have to be between Venus, Pluto, and Neptune. Venus as the prototype senshi, I really enjoy her history in Sailor V and her insane hilarity in the anime. Pluto as the mysterious senshi that is able to transcend time. And lastly, Neptune, who was my ultimate "favorite" growing up, when the outer solar system senshi were first introduced because of her element ocean and her ability to play the violin (the artsy senshi).
11) Which non-Sailor Scout character do you like the most?
12) What's your favourite form of Sailor Moon? The manga, anime, musicals or live action series?
My favorite form of Sailormoon is the manga.
13) Can you list one way in which you would improve each form of Sailor Moon? (eg I'd remove filler eps from the anime. Include outers in PGSM, etc)
Anime - wouldn't use the same old film for the transformations/attacks, get rid of the daily youma Manga - wouldn't change anything about it Musicals - I haven't watched a musical before, so I can't comment on what to improve on Live Action - I haven't watched the live action either.
14) English Dub or Original Japanese (or other!)
Definitely original Japanese; you just don't get the same jokes, tone, expressions in English.
15) Where do you see the Sailor Moon fandom 10 years from now. Any predictions?
I still see it still going strong in 10 years or at the least still remembered. Sailormoon was one of the first shoujo magical school girl genre anime/manga. It's a classic and a template for the genre.
16) What can we expect from you in the future?
I'm constantly experimenting with new things, so even I don't know what I'll come up with for my sites until it's up...but not to leave you completely hanging, Planetarium lists my projects/brainstorms/to-do-list at hand regarding SM related sites.
17) Any other anime series or tv series you're watching that you recommend?
My favorite anime/manga that I would recommend include: Bleach, Fate/Stay Night, Magic Knight Rayearth, Naruto, Ouran High School Host Club, Pretear, Trigun, Vision of Escaflowne.
18) Any final words for the Moonies?
As always "love and peace!"
19) Thanks again for taking the time to do this interview. Good luck with your sites!
Thank you for conducting the interview. Good luck on your sites as well. Cheers.
Editor's Note: For a full listing of Icera's fantastic sites, check out her two collectives, Planetarium (Update: Now offline) and IceScape.net.
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