Pretty Guardian
Sailor Moon
The first major story arc comes to a close as the five Sailor Soldiers gather and a princess is revealed!
Cover: The theme this time around is the third Sailor Soldier, Sailor Mars so she's the focus of this cover with the other four girls behind her. The back cover features the usual descriptions and stats in a clean and stylish manner.
The Menus: The menus feature the same ribbon and star animations featured in the previous two DVDs this time with a Sailor Mars twist. The production photos on the chapter select screens are always worth a look and are of good quality.
As with the last two DVDs the menus are super fast to navigate with loading time almost being nonexistant. As usual the navigation buttons are in Japanese though it is a Japanese DVD so it's to be expected. The menu titles such as the chapter select screen are in English though so you'll always know where you are.
The Special Features: Featuring the third in their behind the scenes documentary series, this one has Miyu Sawai (Sailor Moon) joined by Keiko Kitagawa (Sailor Mars) as they reflect on the four episodes on this disk and the series in general.
The two seem to get along very well as they talk about being huge fans of the Sailor Moon anime and manga before being cast and how Ayaka Komatsu (Sailor Venus) still hasn't seen any form of Sailor Moon despite being half way through filming the series. Another interesting fact revealed about Ayaka is that she doesn't like whipped cream which apparently made her scene with Miyu in Act 12 very uncomfortable for her as she had to eat the Japanese Christmas cake anyway.
Quite a large selection of deleted scenes are presented this time around with the most interesting ones being Mamoru telling Motoki that Usagi likes him and Rei promising Erika that they will save her.
The whole show is very informative though it's a shame that Ayaka wasn't present as most of the episodes on this disk revolve around Minako in one way or another. It is Keiko's turn though so I'm sure Ayaka will discuss her role as Sailor Venus on a later DVD release.
The Episodes: The series really begins to come into it's own with this volume as several subplots such as the search for the crystal and Moon Princess are resolved and several characters thankfully develop more depth and background.
While Act 9 features a rather silly "Usagi dressing up as Sailor Moon" plot, it drives the story forward with it's Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask confrontation as the two become closer to discovering who the princess is.
Act 10 speeds things up as Zoicite decides to finally track down not just the Moon Princess but every princess on Earth. The episode finishes with Sailor Moon revealing an amazing amount of power and a shocking cliffhanger that drives the following
Act 11 and 12 that set the stage for more powerful and emotion storylines to follow.
These episodes are a must have for any Sailor Moon fan and when they're packaged on a well designed DVD with an entertaining behind the scenes documentary hosted by two of the show's stars, this purchase is a no brainer.
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