Sailor Moon S DVD
Heart Collection 2
This has to be one of my fave Sailor Moon DVD covers. Partially because it features my two favourite Sailors but also because of the excellent artwork and colour scheme. The orange and reds just work superbly and the cosmic stars added for this release really make it jump off the shelf.
Similar to selection of screencaps and production artwork that covers the episodes on the DVD surrounded by a good description of the disk and a listing of the episode names and Special Features.
As an added bonus, the cover features an alternate reversible cover featuring some Sailor Moon artwork exclusive to the American Region 1 release! That's right! The guys behind this release went out of their way to edit a picture of Eternal Sailor Moon used in the Sailor Stars Closing Credits to place her in her Cosmic Sailor Moon form! Pretty impressive and it looks fantastic!
The Menus
The menus this time around feature Sailor Jupiter. Thankfully the still frame used here is a lot cleaner than the one used for the first DVD. I really like the animation loop of her transformation in the heart. Actually surprising how long you can look at it for.
All the menus load fast with a nice transitional animation of Jupiter's transformation pen/stick.
The Special Features
The Special Features continue to be minimal yet enough to round out the disk well, especially with the massive episode count included on the disk.
Here we get a nice collection of Sailor Jupiter images and a brief profile of her with the typical stats. Pretty useful if you're planning on writing a character info page for your website.
As an added bonus we get a textless version of the closing credits with a sing along option for those that like to let the whole world know how much they love Tuxedo Mirage. And yes, the karaoke lyrics are the Romanised form of the Japanese words! Score!
The Episodes
All the episodes on this DVD, and throughout the Sailor Moon S and Sailor Moon SuperS series, are "uncut" which means that while they feature the same English audio form the tv version, all the funky transitions no longer exist and the original Japanese episode titles are used. Visually no footage is cut though strangely the next episode previews are missing.
It is worth noting though that on the Japanese DVDs, these previews are counted as special features and not part of the episode so it's not really a big deal and isn't missed at all.
The six episode on this disk continue the third season nicely (the whole season is actually pretty good!) with the series' 100th episode being a big milestone and the series moving into it's second phase atop of the long overdue battle atop Tokyo Tower!
The first episode, The Labyrinth of Water! Ami the Targeted (Damp Spirits) is a superb Sailor Mercury episode that really delves into her personality for the first real time in the anime and makes some interesting comparisons between her and the other water Sailor, Neptune.
The second episode Save Friends! Moon and Uranus Join Forces (Friendly Foes) puts Sailor Uranus and Sailor Moon in a situation where they're forced to work together and really emphasises how different the two characters are.
The Kindness of a Man! Yuichiro, Heartbroken by Rei? (Mixed Emotions) finally deals with the relationship between Rei and Yuichiro (Raye and Chad) as Sailor Mars is forced to confront her feelings for the man she may or may not love.
Retire From the Sailor Soldiers!? Minako's Concerns (Individual Happiness) marks the Sailor Moon anime's 100th episode and rightly so focuses on the Sailor that started it all, Sailor Venus and her guardian moon kitty, Artemis. Great voice acting work by Sailor Venus' new English voice actress in this episode.
The final two episodes, Usagi in Tears! Glass Shoes for Her Birthday (Birthday Blues Part 1) and The Pure Heart Stolen! Usagi's Biggest Crisis (Birthday Blues Part 2) are a special two parter that focuses on Sailor Moon as she's targeted on her birthday by the Death Busters! Some famous moments here as the Sailor Soldiers battle it out on Tokyo Tower and Sailor Venus disguises herself as Sailor Moon (with hilarious results). A must see even if the animation in these two isn't the series' best.
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