Pretty Guardian
Sailor Moon
Opening Credits 2

Signifying the finale of the second story arc in the live action Sailor Moon series, Act 28 featured it's own episode exclusive opening and ending credits.
Overall the opening is much shorter than the first opening credits though uses the same song, Kirari Sailor Dream as it's theme song.

The credits begin as the first opening does with the moon pulling out to reveal the series' title as Luna and Sailor Moon bounce around the screen. It remains the same up until the shot of the Sailor Soldiers in the cloud scene and then goes on to use unused footage of the girls taken for the first opening credits of them hanging out and looking at the Rainbow Bridge in Yokohama, Japan.
Unused footage of the girls singing the theme song (that can be seen on the first live action Sailor Moon DVD) is also used in a 24 style split screen look that shows us different angles of them singing.

The final shot is of the five girls walking together and appears to be a lot longer and with them doing different things than the similar shot used previously. The credits then fade to black as the music fades out and the episode begins.
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