Pretty Guardian
Sailor Moon
The Secret of Tuxedo Mask's Birth
Released on DVD: 25th March 2005
Usagi and Mamoru are relaxing together when Usagi asks Mamoru how he first became Tuxedo Mask.
Mamoru tells her the story of how, when he was a young boy he had run away from home and fallen and hurt his knee. Out of nowhere a mysterious man dressed in a tuxedo helped him up and placed a band aid over the wound.
The man then put his hands over Mamoru's leg and whispered "Tuxedo Power!" as a bright light shone from them. The man in the tuxedo then performed cartwheels and magic tricks to cheer him up.
Mamoru explains that he kept an extra band aid that the man gave him and had tried to transform into Tuxedo Mask for years. It wasn't until he was an adult and he tried it did it work.
We then get a surprisingly revealing live action Tuxedo Mask transformation scene!
Usagi thinks this story is amazing and surprised he hasn't told anyone before. Mamoru then begins to laugh and asks Usagi if she actually believed him. Usagi tells him that she's not stupid and the two laugh and tease each other.
Unknown to them, the same man from the story looks over them and nods.
Interesting Facts

Personally I think the story Mamoru told is a complete fabrication and the man looking at them at the end was added just for the sake of corn.
Shopping Info
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Act Zero
Read My Review / Buy from Amazon.jp
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