Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal
Act.9 Serenity - Princess -
Original Air Date: 1st November 2014

Distraught by Kunzite’s attack on Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Moon begins to cry and transforms into Princess Serenity. Her tiara shatters and reveals a crescent moon symbol.
As her memories of her past life return, her tears begin to glow and form the Legendary Silver Crystal. A magical burst of energy falls out of the crystal into Tuxedo Mask’s unconscious form.
Princess Serenity notices her clock is moving backwards and she recalls how she had visited Earth in the past and fallen in love with Prince Endymion. When a war erupted, Beryl attacked her but Endymion defended her and was killed in the process.
In the present, Queen Beryl appears. Sailor Jupiter attacks with Supreme Thunder, Mercury with Mercury Aqua Mist and Mars with Akuryo Taisan but it’s no good.
Beryl and Kunzite disappear with Tuxedo Mask into a vortex.
Princess Serenity passes out and the Sailor Guardians take her to the control centre. When she awakens, Sailor Venus asks her if she now remembers that she is the true leader of the Sailor Guardians and the protector of the princess. Serenity begins to panic when she remembers what happened to Tuxedo Mask so they take her home to rest.
In the Dark Kingdom, the four kings notice how Tuxedo Mask looks familiar but they can’t remember where they know him from. Kunzite begins to remember Endymion’s name but brushes it aside and tells the others that he doesn’t remember anything.
A few days later Luna, Artemis, Rei, Ami, Makoto and Minako decide to visit Usagi. They find her in her room with extra-long hair. Usagi tells them that ever since she regained her memories, her hair has been growing longer. Minako suggests that her body is changing to become more like the princess’.
Usagi begins to worry about losing her identity and once more panics when thinking about Mamoru.
Luna suggests that they all go to the moon to discover information about their enemy. Usagi vows not to be a tragic princess any longer.
Interesting Facts
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