2000 Sailor Moon Winter Special Musical
Sailor Moon
Transform : The Road to Becoming a Super Soldier (New Ver)
The Overture of Last Dracul
Henshin Super Senshi e no Michi
Last Dracul Jokyoku
Usagi is in her bedroom, getting ready for bed as she wants to be well rested for tomorrow when she has a date with Mamoru. She playfully asks the mirror who the prettiest girl in the world, no Asia, no.... Japan... no, Tokyo (will do) is. She then takes the mirror's part and tells herself that she is.
Usagi then gets into bed and begins to dream. In her dream, Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Pluto and Sailor Chibi Moon appear and tell her the time for her to grow up has arrived and that a new villian has emerged.
A mysterious figure then appears and directs the Nightmares (who could possibly be connected to the Death Nightmares from the 1994 Sailor Moon Musical) to observe and change her dream to make it a nightmare.
Sailor Venus, Jupiter and Mars now appear and tell Usagi that they can't protect her anymore and are moving back to their respective planets. Sailor Uranus, Neptune and Hotary then appear and reveal themselves to be "undead". The mysterious figure from before reapears and begins to drink the blood of all of Usagi's friends. Usagi screams and the stage falls into darkness.
An Evil Dream
The next morning all of her friends and Mamoru barge into her bedroom. Seems her family has gone on holiday and left Usagi alone in the house to look after her. Mamoru tells her he was angry and Makoto yells at Usagi because Mamoru was calling everyone asking if Usagi was okay.
Suddenly Chibi Usa appears in a cloud of smoke.
Matta Matta Chibi Usa - Again, Again, it's Chibi Usa
Chibi Usa gives Usagi a letter from her mother (Usagi in the future) that says that she had a bad dream and has sent Chibi Usa back to the past to protect Usagi (herself). Mamoru and the others gather around and realise that it's written in Hiragana. At first the think it's just Usagi being sloppy but eventually they realise that Chibi usa wrote this herself. Chibi Usa admits to it but says that her mother really did have a bad dream.
Usagi tells them all that they're wasting time and that they better go to the park before there's no time left. With the offer of shouting everyone lunch, they all race to the park.
Muma no Odori - Dance of the Nightmares
In the Death Busters' base, Hotaru is heading out to meet up with everyone else. Ezurenia tells her to be careful as there are all sorts of dangers in the shadows.
Professor Tomoe then enters and together they talk about their creations, the Manechas and how they obviously need real souls to place in their bodies to be truely effective. Ezurenia tells him that she already has some targets, Hotaru's friends.
Suddenly the powerful voice of Vulcan commands them to track down the Star Seeds so he can rule the galaxy. He then informs them that the most powerful Star Seed is one from the 30th Century and is in the body of Chibi Usa, Hotaru's friend.
As Ezurenia heads off to start her mission, Tomoe calls her a 600 year old witch. She hears this and turns around and tells him that she's much older than that. She's as old as myths and legends.
The Manechas, hearing how they're failed experiments decide to prove their worth by tracking down the Star Seed.
Gondola no Koibito-tachi - Lovers' Gondola
As Usagi tries to kiss Mamoru on their park gondola ride, Mamoru spies Chibi Usa and Hotaru spying on them from a nearby gondola. All of a sudden though, all the geese and ducks in the pond turn out to be the Manechas in disguise! They lunge after Chibi Usa in an attempt to take her Star Seed. One of them freezes the pond so they can run and fight on it. In the chaos, Usagi gets knocked down leaving it up to Mamoru, who has transformed into Tuxedo Mask to save Chibi Usa.
Luckily he manages to do so and scares the Manechas away.
Rei, Makoto, Minako and Ami appear and are shocked about what happened. They all decide to get off the lake before it melts but Minako, Chibi Usa and Usagi are too slow and fall in the water.
Back at the Death Busters' base, Tomoe scolds the Manechas for failing him and tells them that they have one more chance.
Tomoe then heads over to a mysterious castle and awakens his "old friend", Dracul. Tomoe suggests that Dracul drinks blood, making him a vampire.
Moments later, as luck would have it, Usagi and the others arrive at the castle. Raye tells everyone that she senses something strange but before they can do anything, Dracul appears and introduces himself as a magician. He then does the "swords in the box" trick with Hotaru inside and she seems to be fine.
Ezurenia then appears with the Nightmares and grabs Chibi usa while flooding the area with a strong energy which begins to drain the powers of the girls. Usagi is about to transform but Ezurenia reminds her of her dream and that if she transforms the world will end.
Kubi Suji wo Sashi Dase - Stick Out Your Neck
Luckily, Sailor Neptune and Uranus arrive and manage to defeat the Nightmares.
Choubi Uranus and Neptune - Beautiful Uranus and Neptune
They're unable to free Chibi Usa though. Out of nowhere, Sailor Pluto arrives and frees Chibi Usa with Dead Scream. Seeing no other choice, Ezurenia opens a door and lets loose several monsters. Raye, Minako, Makoto and Amy, now able, transform.
Solar Miracle Make Up!
They all begin to fight the vampires but during the battle, Mamoru is hypnotised and bitten.
Seeing the need to finish the fight, the vampires banish the Sailor Soldiers from the castle and remind them to listen to their dreams.
Ezurenia and Dracul talk for a bit. Dracul is determined not to drink human blood but Ezurenia thinks the time is now for vampires to take over the world and wants Dracul and his ability to awaken all vampires to help her. Dracul refuses.
The next day at Azabu Juban Ami, Rei, Makoto and Minako decide to follow their dreams. Ami tells them that she will be leaving tomorrow to go to Germany.
Dream, Yume ha Okiku - Dream, Dreams are Big
Usagi then enters with Chibi Usa and is shocked to hear the news as everyone seems to know except for her. The Manechas then enter, disguised as Haruka, Michiru, Hotaru and Setsuna in an attempt to infiltrate the group. The real ones soon show up and scare them off though.
Haruka then mentions that she also knows about Amy leaving and this makes Usagi really upset and she runs away, blaming all of this on the fact she transformed despite the warnings.
Haruka, Michiru, Hotaru and Setsuna decide to go after Usagi as the vampires are still around. Rei, Minako and Makoto remembering their mission decide to put their dreams on hold for the moment and protect Usagi.
That night though, the three of them are caught in the vampires' spell and caught.
In the Death Busters' base, Sailor Chibi Moon has snuck in and attacks everyone with Pink Sugar Heart Attack but it fails. She is quickly captured despite Hotaru trying to save her.
Tabidachi - Leaving
At the airport, Ami feels bad for not telling Usagi about her leaving. Before she can get on the plane though she is attacked by the vampires and has her blood taken. Gasping for life, she calls Usagi on her communicator but passes out.
Homonuclous Tanjo Zenya - The Mononuclous Birth, One More Night
Tomoe explains to Dracul that they will be filling their new creations with the Sailor Soldiers' Star Seeds instead of blood. Hearing this, he agrees to help them. Ami, Rei, Makoto and Minako are on stage in a trance.
In another part of the house, Chibi Usa is praying, hoping Usagi will hear her thoughts and come rescue her. Hotaru comes in with some food an appologises for her father who she doesn't know who he is. She tells Chibi Usa that she can't transform because she doesn't understant Sailor Saturn's mission.
All of a sudden, a bat flies in the room and drops the key to the cell. Hotaru and Chibi Usa both run out.
On a dark street, Mamoru finds Usagi and tells her that no matter what happens he will always love her. Suddenly the Manechas arrive desguised as Tuxedo Mask.
Tuxedo Mission
Usagi easily spots the correct one and the Manechas run away shocked. Tuxedo Mask then tries to kiss Usagi but falls down, dead. Usagi screams and begins to cry. She pulls out a knife and tries to kill herself like her former self (in manga continuity) but Sailor Uranus and Neptune stop her. They tell her that she's a soldier and that just because she lost someone she loves doesn't mean she can give up all hope. Sailor Pluto then arrives and tells her that the strength she got is from her future self, Neo Queen Serenity and that she just hasn't found her own power yet.
Dracul then appears and begins to laugh. Mamoru rises up as Tuxedo Mask and is obviously a vampire. The Nightmares arrive and together they all fight. Sailor Chibi Moon joins the fight and tells them that Dracul's base is at Hotaru's house.
Tuxedo Mask disapears as Minako, Rei, Ami and Makoto arrive to fight Usagi.
A big fight ensues causing Usagi to transform into Super Sailor Moon. She combines her powers with Sailor Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chibi Moon and together cleanses the Inners and banishes the Nightmares.
Dracul Hakushaku no Kodoku - Count Dracula's Loneliness
Dracul meets with Tuxedo Mask and a new female vampire whom he calls, Le Fay.
All the Sailor Soldiers then gather at Tomoe's house. They hear mumbling coming from one of the cupboards and find Professor Tomoe tied up inside! It's soon revealed to be one of the Machenas though who is joined by the others before all of them are beaten by the Sailor Soldiers.
The real Tomoe then appears and announces that he is actually a different being within Tomoe's body. Dracul appears and asks for the prototype bodies that he had been working on in his tubes. Le Fay joins his side as does Sailor Neptune who was bitten in the previous battle. They manage to escape but not before Hotaru has been bitten and Sailor Chibi Moon stabbed with a sword which steals her Star Seed and implants it into the prototypes.
As Sailor Chibi Moon lies dying she appologises for being such a spoilt little girl and tells Sailor Moon that she wants to be just like her. Hotaru then dies which triggers Sailor Saturn's rebirth which will destroy the Universe!
Elsewhere, Sailor Neptune, Tuxedo Mask and Le Fay are conversing when Sailor Saturn arrives.
To a Brand New World
Sailor Neptune moves to attack her to stop her from ending the world but Tuxedo Mask yells at her to stop as Sailor Saturn is just confused after being reborn so quickly. Sailor Saturn collapses.
Sailor Moon and the Sailor Soldiers then arrive and another massive fight breaks out. Ezurenia and the Nightmares arrive and join in the fight. Dracul requests that Ezurenia hand over their research so he can use it to cure his daughter who is half vampire and half human but she refuses and the battle becomes three-sided.
Sailor Uranus tries to kill Neptune but Sailor Moon won't let her. Suddenly Dracul is stabbed by Berserk, one of the beasts Dracul had been keeping is his castle and he dies, but not before telling everyone that humans are the ones that are cursed as they fight to fight while vampires only kill to survive.
The voice of Vulcan then emerges and decides to free the human turned vampires, which makes Neptune and Tuxedo Mask normal again.
Tuxedo Royal
Together, everyone tries a Sailor Planet Attack but it's still not strong enough to defeat Berserk (who has now gone berserk), Ezurenia and the remaining Nightmares.
In all of the chaos, the Manechas are killed.
Suddenly Chibi Usa's voice comes out of the tubes asking for Sailor Moon to free her. Sailor Moon transforms into Eternal Sailor Moon and revives Sailor Chibi Moon and together with everyone destroys Beserk.
Eternal Sailor Moon wonders aloud about all of this talk about life and death and dying and says that she just wants to live a normal life doing the best she can and she will protect everyone that wants to do the same.
All the Sailor Soldiers sing and dance all together in celebration.
L'Amour D'Amour Moonlight
As the stage fades to black, a female voice can be heard reminding us to listen to our dreams. A beating heart sound is heard and then a surviving prototype in a tube appears with Eternal Sailor Moon looking at it in fear. Fade to black.
All the performers then run on stage in turn and bow before the big encore!
La Soldier
Solar Miracle Make Up

Shopping Info
Winter Special Musical
Transform : The Road to Becoming a Super Soldier (New Ver)
The Overture of Last Dracul
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