Episode 180
Sailor Stars
The Shine of Calling Stars! Amara (Haruka) and Michelle (Michiru) Enter the Battle
Serena, Mina, Raye, Amy and Lita are on individual pay phones trying to call the booking agency to buy tickets for the Three Lights concert. Mina finally gets through though is horrified when she's told that there are no tickets left.
Luckily Amara and Michelle happen to be walking by and have already bought tickets for them.
They all go to Crown Fruits Parlor and talk about the concert. Turns out Michelle is playing with the Three Lights in concert!
Elsewhere Sailor Galaxia blasts Sailor Iron Mouse and tells her that she is not allowed to have any more failures. The two mysterious Sailor Animamates who were standing in the shadows in the previous episode reveal themselves and look at Iron Mouse evilly.
Iron Mouse goes to Tokyo and sees the poster of Michelle and the Three Lights and announces that she's found a true Star Seed! Hilariously the camera then pans up to the photo of the conductor. Iron Mouse got it wrong again!
That night at the concert Mina, Amy, Raye and Lita begin to wonder where Serena is. Funnily enough Serena has caught the wrong bus and ended up out in some rural area.
The concert begins and it's a huge hit. While on stage though Michelle senses a powerful message to someone they love being sent by the Three Lights and at the same time Seiya senses the light of a powerful star burning within Michelle.
Later, after it's finished, Serena finally gets there and begins to cry. Amara sees her and offers to take her backstage to see Michelle. This cheers Serena up a lot.
Backstage Seiya enters Michelle's room and the two begin a game of flirtation to gather more information about the other. Michelle stands up and asks Seiya to help her out of her dress when Amara and Serena enter. Amara and Seiya greet each other and as their hands touch they both sense something powerful. Seiya leaves.
Serena tells Amara and Michelle that Seiya is really a nice person and that they shouldn't think badly of him. Serena then leaves. Michelle asks Amara to help unzip her dress.
Outside, Seiya realises that Amara and Michelle are Sailor Soldiers.
He then asks Serena what she was doing hanging out with that handsome guy back there. Serena tells him that Amara is a girl. She then asks him what he was doing all alone with Michelle and begins to laugh at the thought of Michelle ever being interested in Seiya.
Serena then trips and collides with the conductor, knocking them down the stairs. The conductor turns out to be from another country (through his use of random English words). He asks Serena if she's okay and then tells Seiya that he enjoyed the concert tonight and sensed a message coming from his performance. He walks away.
Seiya and Serena then say goodbye to each other.
On the roof, the conductor is confronted by Sailor Iron Mouse who zaps him and removes his Star Seed. Serena hears this and transforms. She commands Iron Mouse to stop but she replies that she's working overtime today and has to go to her next target. She teleports away after seeing the Star Seed turn black. The conductor then turns into Sailor Conductor and attacks Sailor Moon with stick projectiles, eventually pinning her to the wall.
The Sailor Starlights arrive. Star Fighter attacks with Star Serious Laser while Star Maker and Star Healer free Sailor Moon.
Sailor Moon then heals the conductor with Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss.
She thanks them and asks the Starlights if they would like to work together. All three agree that they have a common enemy and say they would love to. Sailor Moon and Star Fighter reach out their hands to shake on it but are interrupted by Sailor Uranus' Uranus World Shaking attack.
Sailor Neptune and Uranus appear and tell Sailor Moon to stay away from them as they're invaders from outside the solar system and can't be trusted. One by one the Starlights tell Sailor Moon perhaps they can't work together and leave.
Sailor Moon asks Neptune and Uranus why they're doing this. Neptune reminds her that their mission is to protect her from invaders from outside the solar system and asks for her to understand.
Later on Serena stands in the stadium looking up at the stars. Seiya sees her and walks up to her, offering her a ride home. She asks him if he thinks it's possible for people from different places to ever be friends. Seiya tells her that he's from a school far far away and that he would call her a friend. Serena thinks on this and cheers up. She then takes Seiya up on his offer to drive her home.
Monster of the Day
Sailor Conductor had a stick projectile that managed to trap Sailor Moon but otherwise didn't put up much of a fight.
He was healed by Eternal Sailor Moon's Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss.
Interesting Facts

The scene between Michelle and Seiya in the dressing room has fueled numerous discussions in fan groups about both characters' sexuality and loyalties though it is rather obvious when actually watching the episode that both characters were simply playing it up in an attempt to find out more about the other.
There was actually quite a large lesson about racism in this episode that may have gone over the head of many Western viewers and is quite unusual in an anime. The metaphor of the Starlights being "aliens" was very well written and the inclusion of a non-Japanese man as the lead conductor of the Tokyo Orchestra really helped drive the point home that people can work well together no matter where they're from.
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