Mars & Venus Daggers [live action]
First Appearance: PGSM: Final ActSee Also: Exclusive to the live action Sailor Moon TV series.
In Brief: In an attempt to save the world, Sailor Mars pulls out her Mars Star Tambourine and is surprised to see that she had somehow also summoned the Venus Star Tambourine.
She asks her planet, Mars, for power and then thrusts the two tambourines above her head to transform them into the Mars and Venus daggers. Fire blasts from the Mars dagger and pure golden energy sparkles from the Venus one.
While only Sailor Mars wields the two daggers in the Final Act, years later during the events of the Special Act, Sailor Venus uses them both while Sailor Mars is out of action.

Cultural: "Mars is no longer leading others onto the battlefield but now allows his warrior nature to fight the greatest battle of all: the struggle for the triumph of the true self. He willingly faces his ego and re-integrates his masculine and feminine aspects through determination and unconditional love. Venus is no longer so self-absorbed that her jealousy, anger, cruelty, and vanity dictate her actions. Her mastery of sensual love now broadens into spiritual love."
-- Taken from Venus and Mars Now (Very interesting!)

The Move: The Mars and Venus daggers as well as being used as stabbing and slicing weapons, are also capable of deflecting projectiles and blasting fire and light energy at a target from the respective dagger. As with the other weapons, all attacks involving the daggers are in real time.
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