Sailor Moon
Sailor Stars Vol. 4
The fourth Sailor Stars DVD brings more of the same in terms of package but some great anime episodes!
Like the previous Sailor Stars DVD covers, this one is equally well designed. This one uses an old laserdisk cover of Serena (Usagi) and Chibi Chibi and makes it look very fresh with adjusted colours, added sparkles and brighter levels.
The new, DVD only English Sailor Stars logo is beautifully embossed with green foil as is the "Vol.4" numbering at the bottom and the original Japanese logo appears in regular ink just above the numbering.
The back cover features brief summaries of all six episodes on the disk as well as several images from the episodes edited together around the test.
The inner cover is a bright green and features a dual-tone version of the front cover image under the disk.
The Menus
The menus are fast loading and easy to navigate and pretty much identical to the previous Sailor Stars DVDs. The little animation in the box is nice, showing a bit of footage from the episodes on the disk but
is nowhere near as interesting as it could have been.
The Chapter Select menus continue to confuse just a little as they use the Nehelenia's mirror image as their theme which is strange as that arc only runs for the first six episodes of the season (all of which are on the first Sailor Stars DVD).
The Special Features
The Special Features are once again pretty bare-bones. We do get the textless opening and closing credits and the 15 second promos for the episodes though which is something. First printings of this DVD also came with an exclusive puzzle (continuing the puzzle theme from the closing credits) featuring the DVD cover art and is actually of pretty good quality.
Still would have liked to see some interviews with Naoko, the voice actors or the production crew though.
The Episodes
This DVD contains six full episodes from the Sailor Moon Sailor Stars season which is a pretty good deal.
All of the episodes have been digitally re-mastered incredibly well. The image quality is ten times better than it was when the show originally aired and definitely better than any VHS or dodgy fansub copy you may have seen online. The audio is only in Japanese and in Mono which is how the show was originally made so you're not missing out on anything really. The sound is very clear with all the speech, sound effects and music at perfect levels.
Episode 185 focuses on Taiki and just how much he and the other Starlights are suffering. Episode 186 focuses on Chibi Chibi and unfortunately is pretty much a filler unless you're a huge Chibi Chibi fan. There is quite a bit of fun to be had in this episode though and kind of reminds me of Sailor Moon R.
The following episode, Episode 187 though is anything but filler. Not only does it feature Chibi Chibi's first transformation into Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon but Eternal Sailor Moon also gets a brand new attack! This is a must see episode for any Moonie!
The plot really begins to progress with the next few episodes. Episode 188 finally has the Starlights and Inners reveal their identities to each other while Seiya suffers a serious injury in Episode 189 that further drives the two groups apart.
Episode 190 Finishes off the disk in grand fashion with the Outers confronting the Starlights and an explanation of the Sailor Wars that are driving most of the main characters this season.
While there is one filler on this group of anime episodes, the other five feature some of the biggest and most memorable moments in the Sailor Stars season making this a must view for Moonies everywhere. Sailor Moon Says!
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