Welcome to my guide to all of the characters in the Sailor Moon manga, anime, musicals and live action tv series (PGSM).
It may look a bit empty now but I will be adding information to this page on a very regular basis so it should build up very quickly into what I hope will be an ultimate Sailor Moon resource for both long time Moonies and those new to the series.
With the re-release of the Sailor Moon manga in English I've decided to write the manga profiles first and only add character information as it's revealed in each volume as they come out.
Not only will this set a constant and realistic pace for me to add to the guide but it will also prevent the series from being spoiled for those who are reading it for the first time.
Navigating the Sailor Moon Character Guide is fairly simple. The characters' names are in bold and to the right of them are links to information on the character in the different versions of Sailor Moon. If the "link" is just inactive text this means that the character exists in that version of Sailor Moon but I haven't had the chance to write the guide for it yet. If there is no link or text placeholder, that means the character does not exist in that missing version of the series. For example Sailor Uranus will have links to a manga, anime and musical page while she won't have one associated with the live action as the character never appeared in that version.
Some characters' guide pages will also be merged into one if they are indeed the same character in one version of Sailor Moon such as Tuxedo Mask / Moonlight Knight and Sailor Moon / Sailor Cosmos.
Hope you enjoy what's currently here and check back regularly as the guide grows.
~ Brad
Sailor Moon manga - anime - musical - live action
Sailor Mercury manga - anime - musical - live action
Sailor Mars manga - anime - musical - live action
Sailor Jupiter manga - anime - musical - live action
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